General Forums => The Mess Hall => Topic started by: Wheezer on June 10, 2012, 05:42:51 PM
Here's a weird one for all you geniuses out there... But first a little background. The subject vehicle is a 1995 YJ Wrangler with 193K on the odometer. 4cyl, 5spd, 4" suspension lift, 33" KM2s, 4.88 gears, locked front and rear, Warn M8000 winch, recently installed Dashmount winch control. Now onto the issue at hand. This weekend while on a trip with my wife, I noticed that the oil pressure gauges and the volt meter were both dead. A quick check under the hood revealed that I indeed had both oil pressure and a good battery. This morning I pulled the instrument cluster for the gauges and found some of the ribbon on the circuit board had come loose, it appeared to still be attached but shiny, not dull like the rest of it. I'm thinking that a new board is in my future, what are your thoughts? Thanks!
just get another one from j/y if you think it's the circuit, you could try to repair it but not worth it imo (i think i've seen somewhere a guy that fixed a similar problem but can't remember exactly what it was so I might be wrong). they're expensive on ebay though, just looked and buy it now are about $80 shipped (50+30) which i think it's too much, you could find one at "you pull it" for probably half that or less if you're lucky
Slaving in a borrowed strip is a great idea (wish I had thought of it) I will try that before I order one. Unfortunately I live way out in the Mojave Desert so my nearest "pick a part" is down in LA (nearly 200 miles away) so that is not an option for me. I will likely order it from Wholesalemopar.com ($136) (sigh). Thanks for the tip!
Slaving in a borrowed strip is a great idea (wish I had thought of it) I will try that before I order one. Unfortunately I live way out in the Mojave Desert so my nearest "pick a part" is down in LA (nearly 200 miles away) so that is not an option for me. I will likely order it from Wholesalemopar.com ($136) (sigh). Thanks for the tip!
You sure Lancaster does not have a Pick a part.
Now that I'm thinking on it there is one on 138 Out past Littlerock and Pearblossom.
Yup, there's one in Lancaster and another in Adelanto, BUT between Scotty's and Rancho Jeeps in junk yards are few and far between out here. Heck, we have three junk yards in bitty little Ridgecrest, but you won't find any Jeeps in them. So I would likely have to go to Scotty's to find what I need (are they even open anymore?) or up to Rancho Cordova to find one to slave in. Even then there's no garantee that it will be any better than the one I have. Once I have isolated the faulty part I will order a new one. I appreciate everyone's help and ideas.
Yup, there's one in Lancaster and another in Adelanto, BUT between Scotty's and Rancho Jeeps in junk yards are few and far between out here. Heck, we have three junk yards in bitty little Ridgecrest, but you won't find any Jeeps in them. So I would likely have to go to Scotty's to find what I need (are they even open anymore?) or up to Rancho Cordova to find one to slave in. Even then there's no garantee that it will be any better than the one I have. Once I have isolated the faulty part I will order a new one. I appreciate everyone's help and ideas.
OK one I never heard of before But son just checked them for doors for his jeep. G &G 4 wheel repair on Fruitvale http://www.gandgautorepair.net/
Thanks Gunny! Run by Richard Gauthier, Bakersfield Trailblazers. I'll bet they offer a Cal4Wheel discount.
Wish I was down there. But I'm up here in Oregon. But was Born and raised in Lancaster.
Yup! It was the printed circuit. I installed the new one from Wholesalemopar.com and I now have gauges again. YeeHaw! Thanks for all of your suggestions!
so you got the circuit or the gauge cluster? how much was it?
Just the printed circuit "board" (just a strip, really). I bought it through Wholesalemopar.com for $136. Expensive, yes, but I figured the first one lasted 17 years and 194,000 miles maybe this one will too. Those haven't been easy years or miles, out here in the California desert, very hot and rough roads for miles and miles.
Piece of cake to change, too.