
General Forums => The Mess Hall => Topic started by: dan684 on October 02, 2006, 02:13:46 PM

Title: transfer case drop question????
Post by: dan684 on October 02, 2006, 02:13:46 PM
is a transfer case drop completely necessary with a 4"lift?  the drive shafts are almost straight on flat ground.  i know this changes on the trails but i nee some ground clearance.  sometimes when i try to climb over something the t-case skid draggs and the 1 inch seems like it doesnt meke much diff in angle of DS
Title: transfer case drop question????
Post by: YJmechanic on October 02, 2006, 02:25:39 PM
if your shafts are ok and you have no vibration out of them then you should be ok.  just make sure they are not binding up or you'll go u-joints fast.
Title: transfer case drop question????
Post by: Bounty Hunter on October 02, 2006, 04:34:42 PM
I've never seen a 2.5L  YJ get by without either a SYE or a TC drop with a 4" lift.  Check your rear slipyoke and see how far out from stock it is (the slipyoke will be shiny where it used to be inside the tailcone).

You'll also want to check the angle of both rear ujoints, making sure they're the same angle (pinion and tc output parallel) and within proper operating range.
Title: transfer case drop question????
Post by: dan684 on October 03, 2006, 02:31:52 PM
well i have a 1"tc drop now.  just wondering if i could remove it for some much needed ground clearacne because i dont want to go ove 33 tires until i can get my hands on some axles.
Title: transfer case drop question????
Post by: Mozman68 on October 03, 2006, 02:52:14 PM
Like it was said up above, I don't know how you can get by WITHOUT it unless you do an SYE/drive shaft conversion without bad vibes and/or wearing everything down real fast.
Title: transfer case drop question????
Post by: SMC4WD on October 03, 2006, 09:43:34 PM
I agree with the rest...  Angles are important and driveline vibrations are greatly enhanced are those extreme angles...

But the mention of slip is just as important.  The last thing anyone needs is the driveline spitting out of the output shaft of the T/C at speed (under load) or during don fun articulation.