General Forums => The Mess Hall => Topic started by: chardrc on March 21, 2009, 07:26:51 PM
this week was spring break so i was working on my jeep and actually got to park in the driveway this week instead of the back yard... so today i leave the house at noon and when i get back at 2:30 i get in my jeep to finish my cb radio install to find the molding for my radio taken off adn my passenger window flapping in the wind :rant:...
some :asshat: came and tried to steal my radio... but failed becasue i have "extra" mounting strength for it, or someone came by and scared them off... seems weird that they didn't take the cb which requires no tools to remove.. so now i get to look at this
when i drive my jeep... time to find some full steel doors to keep the :ghey: out....
anyone got tips to keep jeep secure... my basic understanding is have a hardtop and hard doors and lock everything...
then they will just break the window lol. best bet is bolt every thing down with the best hardware you can get your hands on
im still optimistic enough to think that glass will deter the neighborhood Robers more than plastic and canvas.. for the time being i removed my cb and took the face off the radio... plus i always hated those soft uppers... i know if a robber wants to gt in they will.. but i want to make them work a little harder than knifing the window... my long term solution is that our shed should be done in a few weeks so it can be parked inside and then i just have to worry when i drive it places.
Yeah plastic windows make it hard to secure anthing. Since they didnt get anything you did do a good job of it! Glass makes more noise to get into your jeep... damn reason i got a jeep was to get away from all that with honda/acuras!!!!
Well, you should be able to take your door to a soft top shop and have them put a new window in for pretty cheap.
Dumb thing is, the perp could have just unzipped the window from the outside but they're stupid like that. I had someone try to pull the whole window down but just got maybe 2" open and I ahd to bend it back.
These days though, I don't keep much in my jeep that's exposed. Well my GPS and sometimes my stereo but I've got a hardtop and there are more expensive cars around that have better stuff.
That stinks man. At least someone scared the perpetrator off.
Hardtop. Soft top. It doesn't matter. People just don't want to get involved these days. At least not out and about.
Years ago I was in front off the county court house, and locked my keys in the Jeep. Broad daylight. Busy street. People everywhere, and I unzipped the windows on the Jeep to get in. As far as anyone knew, it wasn't my Jeep. Not one single passerby - civilian or law enforcement person - questioned my actions.
Same way with car alarms. People are too absorbed in their own affairs.
Okay. Off my soap box.
or you can get a trunk monkey...
Ive seen that trunk monkey hilarious lol. I got robed last summer after having the top of all summer no doors roof on all season. put the hard top on and out of bad habit from not having the doors or roof on forgot to lock it up and they cleaned out my glove box. took the ownership all my cd's just cleaned out the glove box and compartment. left my cb, cd player, money in the ashtray that was opened and full of "loony twoneys" cananda has 1$ and 2 $ coins. they left a lot of stuff in the jeep that would have been so easy to take. sub amp that aren't bolted down. i was so mad that topless I was never bothered but I could have locked up that time and didn't made it more frustrating. but at least it was dumb stuff stolen. plus the cd's were burnt lol not even store bought ones lol!! I don't get people sometimes!!
I have a DEI Python alarm w/ radar add-on. Sees body mass without touching it so they get a warning before the window is cut. It's enough to make them look for something else.
I dont even lock it anymore. I just make sure that I have no real valuables in it.
I dont even know if people steal car stereo's any more considering they are so cheap anymore.
I would rather they just open the door and see that there is nothing they want and move on, rather then have them cut my window.
Or I could lock it and then they can un-zip the rear or side's. :biggrin:
or you can get a trunk monkey...
lol was thinking about putting my dog in the jeep.. then the dog would jump through the window rather than the robber cutting it.. :guns:
I have a DEI Python alarm w/ radar add-on. Sees body mass without touching it so they get a warning before the window is cut. It's enough to make them look for something else.
I had an Alpine that had that and I didn't really like it. There are ways to trick them as well. I currently have a DEI Rattler that's disabled and sitting under the dash still. My neighbors have Mercs, Porsche's and other fancier cars so, I've never had a problem... I doubt someone will want a old 90's era Alpine receiver anyway. It might as well be an 8-track.
to add to the paranoia the building my dads business is in got broken into last night.... they didn't get into our office so nothing lost (again) but really makes you lose your sense of security.
to add to the paranoia the building my dads business is in got broken into last night.... they didn't get into our office so nothing lost (again) but really makes you lose your sense of security.
Time for some security cams.
i dont lock it...upper door skins cost too much. i just pull the face off my stereo and call it good. i dont think im too concerned with someone actually stealing it either-wranglers arent exactly near the top of the most stolen list. then again i say i dont lock it cause i dont want the windows cut, however i really believe that criminals know full well they can just unzip to get in...they just choose to sabotage.
my rule of thumb is if i put it in jeep or leave it in overnight i better not mind replacing it. never spent more than 79 on head unit or 69 on 6x9s. I run may to sept no doors and just a bikini. They can just pull it out. But not worth it for cheapies. and they are plenty loud to drown out jeep road noises. lol.
Safety was one of the reasons I decided to put a Hard Top on the Jeep...
When I used to run a top on my Jeep I loked into the stickers they make that say "doors unlocked do not cut top" always figured the top was worth more than anything I would carry in it. Only time I had something stolen was a 1 gal gas can I just picked up at a fleamarke for $0.50, tossed it in the back of the Jeep (no top) and continued walking around and it was gone when I got back, the more $$$ items I had lying near it were left, so I laughed and left.
Now I run a locking center console, my stereo is mounted in it, and I just don't worry about anything else, I just don't leave anything in it that looks expensive from a distance.
I'm always worried about people stealing my stereo equipment, especially since I have the same hardtop/soft upper configuration as you chadroc, I just figure I'd better accept it if things get stolen. I've probably got too much in my Jeep as it is, but I like good, clean music and things are pretty safe around here. I just hide my face plate when I need to and my subs are bracketed down pretty good. They're also inside a downfiring box, so passer-by's can't really tell the box contains subs. One amp is impossible to get unless they remove my drivers seat, and my signal processor and amp for my mids/highs are both small and sit on the front of my wheel wells (kinda where those 6x9 wedges go that you can buy), tucked under the carpet so really it doesn't look like I've got much in there.
I try not to leave it in sketchy areas late at night, especially topless. But even when I have, fortunately every crook's overlooked my rig.
Thiefs really s**k. I hope you fix that window soon. I have a soft top cab with window sliders and I always fear someone is going to steal my stereo and speaker bar.
Are you considering hard doors or hard window sliders now?
I know I am considering a hard top for that very reason. Eventhough the my stereo is cheap; thieves are ususally teenagers up to no good and do this things for sh**ts and giggles...
Since you parked it in front, use a motion detector to use a flash when something moves. It should scare them away as if their picture was taken. This is basically for at home use only.
Or get a deer/animal camera. Its motion detection and shoots a picture. This can get expensive, you atleast you'll be able to recognize a neighbor doing you wrong.
never thought about using a trail camera.. we actualy got 2 of those last year 1 that is inferred adn 1 with a flash.. when that goes off you wont see for a minute or 2 if its pitch black out....hmm good idea... thinkign about it the radio i got was the cheapest one bestbuy had because i know it has a high proabability of water leaking on it and people trying to steal it... i am thinkign of geting full hard doors if i can find soem for the right price... been looking at security consuls with radio munting things but ahvent forked up the $$$ yet... thing is my back window on my hardtop is jsut a piece of lexan bolted to the hinges.. nothing keeping it closed but gravity adn my tire carier keeps it from swinging open more than a few inches (yet another unfinished project). right now im taking the out of site out of mind method by hiding it in the back yard... and its back to school so i proalby wont have much time to work on the jeep tell may :yikes:
never thought about using a trail camera.. we actualy got 2 of those last year 1 that is inferred adn 1 with a flash.. when that goes off you wont see for a minute or 2 if its pitch black out....hmm good idea... thinkign about it the radio i got was the cheapest one bestbuy had because i know it has a high proabability of water leaking on it and people trying to steal it... i am thinkign of geting full hard doors if i can find soem for the right price... been looking at security consuls with radio munting things but ahvent forked up the $$$ yet... thing is my back window on my hardtop is jsut a piece of lexan bolted to the hinges.. nothing keeping it closed but gravity adn my tire carier keeps it from swinging open more than a few inches (yet another unfinished project). right now im taking the out of site out of mind method by hiding it in the back yard... and its back to school so i proalby wont have much time to work on the jeep tell may :yikes:
You know what works for keeping the rear window closed? If you have it anyway... the flat piece that goes across the top of the windshield that a soft top/bikini top slips into. I did this with mine because I never got the piece for the rear of my hard top. Keeps it closed and you really can't take it off and open the window :smokes:
I'd LOVE to have full doors, I can deal with the half doors/soft uppers around town, but would love to have full doors for winter and when I'm going out of town. It'd make me feel much safer leaving my Jeep unattended in an unfamiliar area/
im kinda ok with ahving my jeep borken into in unfamiliar places (if thats posible) but getting broken into in my driveway is like a cheapshot to the balls. :baby:
Man I feel your Pain. One day I was dumb and left a suitcase, Cd's, IPOD, Leather Jacket, school books, all in the jeep one night and did not lock the doors. All was gone.(hardtop, full doors) Now, I figure theres not much I can do except Make it not look appealing. Leave it muddy, and make them think if they touch it they will need a booster shot. In my neighborhood everyone knows I'm country. I'll show up with Big round Bails of Hay. Two boats in my driveway. Fire Pit in backyard usually burning stuff. Oh and the rebel flag you can see through my living room window. On a side note I did build a wooden crate that fits in the bed of the jeep and has two hooks that bolt to the floor with a lock on it. That way stuff would be secure and take a sledge to get into. Oh another one. I went hunting one weekend and shot two nice deer and threw them on the rear rack. Well blood got on the tire, bumper, and rear aux lights.