General Forums => The Mess Hall => Topic started by: jagular7 on February 20, 2006, 10:02:21 PM
Couple of pics from driving on 3 wheels and 4" of wood to get to a trailer.
I've got 4.88s, Lockright and stock shafts. I didn't hear it break, nor the spotter, but others said they heard it. More pics coming.
This is strike 1 for the D35. To keep it cheap, I'm replacing with anther stock shaft. More wheeling this weekend.
There was a second D35 giving up its shaft later in the day on a XJ.
What's with the hole in the rocker?
Many times in life I have ignored the advice of wise men. Sometimes I was right and sometimes wrong. :) :(
Ahh, but there is nothing like Photographic Evidence of the pitfalls that may await you should you take a certain course of action, such as relying on the D35. That makes your mind up in a hurry!
Brother, those photos could just as soon have been of me and my Jeep.
After this and Jeffy's photos, never in all my life have I wanted to swap a vehicle part (axle) so badly. :!:
What's with the hole in the rocker?
Them holes are aerodynamics.....hehe.
There was rust in the rockers. Taking a ballpean to work on them was probably the wrong thing to do. Layers of pieces started to fall. I kept hitting till nothing fell, them clean it up with a grinder, painted it till some other time I can get to it.
In planning, I got rid of the carpet in anticipation of lining the interior. With the rust at the location where the floor meets the sidepanel, I may just 'wedge' cut and add a rocker skid plate rather than rocker skids. But then those body mounts have already been rocked a little. They'll need some skid help also.
Truck came from OH. Had over 115k miles. Rust is very evident. I haven't worked on the rust location where the rear body mounts are.