General Forums => The Mess Hall => Topic started by: alext1399 on April 08, 2011, 12:30:03 PM
so i picked up a set of KC's with a hacked up harness. decided to just make a new harness which is easy the only problem im having is the stupid relay. nothings wrong with it i just cant figure out what goes where. looked around alot and every one says different things, so basically im asking if someone could just tell which post number goes where, or just more specifically post 87A
o and its a 5 post single pole double throw, thanks
so i picked up a set of KC's with a hacked up harness. decided to just make a new harness which is easy the only problem im having is the stupid relay. nothings wrong with it i just cant figure out what goes where. looked around alot and every one says different things, so basically im asking if someone could just tell which post number goes where, or just more specifically post 87A
o and its a 5 post single pole double throw, thanks
87 is NO while 87A is NC. Just forget about 87A and wire it as a 4 post relay.
No means normally open and NC normally closed.
post 15 hot from switch, 86 ground, 30 battery positive and 87 goes to your lights