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The Mess Hall / Re: Tired 2.5
« Last post by 95 Lowbuck on November 24, 2021, 03:21:37 PM »
 It has 180,000 on the engine.
Quite frankly I would run it more if it didn’t sound like
a bunch of marbles floating around in there,
and the blow by out the valve cover.
Doesn’t burn a drop of oil.
It’s about time to do something.
The Mess Hall / Re: Tired 2.5
« Last post by Jeffy on November 24, 2021, 01:44:26 PM »
I'm in CA as well.  From what I've heard, as long as you don't go too radical on the cam, you can run a stroker.  Lots of people run stroker 4.0Ls and pass.  I know the apprehension though.  I'm really thinking about going SC.  Not CARB legal but I'm willing to tear it out every two years.  We'll see though.  Installing a SC is one thing.  Being able to return it back to stock is another.

Not sure if I'd screw with the compression.  It's already 9.5:1.  I wouldn't want to have to run premium.  Though I'm sure I'd pick up a few hp if I ran premium in my engine. 108K isn't a lot of mines though.  I've got 109K on mine and it's pretty tight.  When I flopped it on its side, it didn't even smoke on startup.
The Mess Hall / Re: Tired 2.5
« Last post by 95 Lowbuck on November 24, 2021, 04:51:53 AM »
About 180k on the stock bore.
I’m thinking a little head work and bumping compression slightly,
nothing too radical.
Living in California, I still have to pass smog.
The Mess Hall / Re: Tired 2.5
« Last post by Jeffy on November 24, 2021, 12:00:23 AM »
I'd probably consider a 0.30-0.40" over.  Roller rockers and port and polish.

I'd be tempted to do a stroker kit.  Yeah, some people might say it's dumb for a 45% increase but that would get you into 4.0L territory but 200 lbs less weight.  The nice thing is that the 4.0L uses most of the same parts as the 4.0L's.

How many miles are on your engine?
The Mess Hall / Tired 2.5
« Last post by 95 Lowbuck on November 20, 2021, 09:12:21 AM »
I’ve got a tired 2.5 with 180k, two holes are good, two are weak.
Along with the timing chain making racket, i’m thinking about rebuilding the original engine.
Funny, it doesn’t burn a drop of oil, but see some blow by from the valve cover.
Want to keep it basically stock, but what would be some improvements I could make.
The Mess Hall / Re: New Forum
« Last post by 95 Lowbuck on November 20, 2021, 08:44:14 AM »
Thanks Jeffy, haven’t been able to log on for a while.
The Mess Hall / 231-J Length?
« Last post by Jeffy on November 03, 2021, 01:44:54 PM »
Does anyone know the length of the 231-J stock?  Or with a SYE dor that matter.  Thinking about the Atlas 4 and it's at 17"  I can't remember what the 231 stock is. I kinda think it's 21.5" but I'm not certain and the grounds all wet.  If that's the case then with my JBC SYE I gain 4.5" so that would put it at 17"...
The Mess Hall / New Forum
« Last post by Jeffy on August 26, 2021, 05:08:01 PM »
Well as some of you might know, the old forum had connectivity issues and the host store wasn't very helpful  So I've moved the whole site and updated it to HTTPS while I was at it.  Everything should be the same other than the colors/theme.  The old theme wouldn't transfer over, unfortunately.  I'm not 100% in love with this one but it will do for a temp.

In any case, hopefully, people will start using the forum again.
The Mess Hall / Re: Using '83-'95 SRC-9 camshaft in '96-'02 MFI 2.5
« Last post by Jeffy on May 31, 2021, 12:57:02 PM »
Thanks for your input Jeffy.
That being the case, my only concern now is, will the ECM tolerate the new profile or will it get stuck in open loop and set the MIL so it won't pass smog.
Thanks again.
I've never heard of anyone having that issue.  I wouldn't even consider it a mild change.  Some of the old purple cams had way more lift and duration.

Really though if you're worried, this should be the correct cam for a TJ.

Also, Comp Cams is able to do custom grinds.
The Mess Hall / Re: Using '83-'95 SRC-9 camshaft in '96-'02 MFI 2.5
« Last post by erickuntz on May 30, 2021, 01:47:00 PM »
I'm pretty sure they're identical except for the profile.  I know people have installed the Mopar Performance Purple cams from the 90's into their TJ's.  Not sure about SMOG but I'd assume minimal if any differences.  Technically, both cam's are OE and have been approved for sale in CA.

Thanks for your input Jeffy.
That being the case, my only concern now is, will the ECM tolerate the new profile or will it get stuck in open loop and set the MIL so it won't pass smog.
Thanks again.
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