So I borke my Ball Joints on a crazy hill this weekend. Which in turn broke my axle which in turn bent the crap out of my tierod and stabilizer.
What tierods and stabalizers do you guys run - any not running a stabilizer and only a tierod bar?
I've seen this on a few jeeps, but really dont know that much about it. What are the pros and cons to not having a stabilizer - running it home after the carnage without a stabilizer I really didnt notice anything that bad. I had a spare axle and we put new ball joints in, and then simply bent the tierod back a little and took the stabilizer shock off.
See this pics of the wonderful trail damage. we all think the ball joints were just old and then the stress broke the axle because of the joints being off. The pic with the wheel in front - it is still attached notice the lug nuts are still on. We had it fixed in under 2.5 hours on the trail and I wheeled that night and the next morning just fine, drove it 3 hours home.