Do you own an 4x4 vehicle?
Is that vehicle a Jeep?
How much do you spend in gasoline when you are off-road?
Never really measured it; I spend more driving the Jeep from Panama City, Panama, to San Jos้, Costa Rica every 3 months... My rig is NOT my primary vehicle, so fuel economy is not my main concearn.
Do you think you would benefit from some sort of alternative energy?
If this alternative energy proves to be as or more reliable than the current combustion engine we have, the source of the energy is easily accessible (as in gas stations), and it would provide benefits BESIDES decreasing fuel costs, yes. If the only benefit is fuel costs, though, I doubt I would invest in such an energy system.
Would you like to see this technology offered to you in some way?
Yes, but depending on the benefits, I would decide my course of action.
If so, what are you looking to gain from this technology?
Traction, endurance, power.
Are there any downfalls to this technology that you can foresee?
How it copes with the kind of elements we throw at it; electrical vehicles would probably have issues if stuck on a mud bug or in the middle of a river. Also, not being able to find a fuel source in the middle of nowhere could be a problem, especially in Central America.