I was in school in the Bronx, didn't need a vehicle. Took a semester off and was living with my GF in sort of rural CT, needed 4wd vehicle for the winter. I spot a black 94 Range Rover, lifted, rear locker and on 35s on autotrader. Guy was asking $1000.00 more than I had, started talking to him and just became fanatic about that truck. I scraped what I could and gave him a call back-about 3 or 4 weeks after I first had seen it...he had sold it.
Snow was coming and I needed a vehicle as sharing the gf's car was becoming an issue with getting us both to work. I see a green 97 4.0l at a dealership, 80k on the clock, hard top and soft, 31s for a fair price. I call them up and set up an appointment to see the vehicle the following week. The dealership was an hour and a half drive. A few days before the appointment the GF suddenly can't let me borrow the car to get over there as she SUDDENLY needs it, basically tells me it's a real far drive to go see a vehicle, i should be more considerate and look for one closer...her mom in all her GREAT wisdom finds me a jeep 10 min away from our house. 98 4 banger, 31s, auto, 84k on the clock, private sale. I shell out nearly all my meager college student savings to the owner. 4 days later the motor blows up. That was 2007, and a ton more work and $$ has gone into it. the Jeep is in my garage now with a grenaded transfer case. I still haven't forgiven my now Fiance, nor her mother.