I had the day off and had a couple things to do in the morning, I came home around noon to find my new-to-me Design III 19# injectors in the mail from
D42. the package arrived a day earlier than I expected and upon first glance they appeared to be in great shape. They were clean as a whistle and he even had them in a plastic baggie with what I figured was the date they were pulled?
Anyway, install didn't take long at all, maybe 20 minutes max. the first one didn't want to fit, after a couple minutes I realized the OE injector o-ring was stuck inside
After that install was a breeze. As for driving impressions, I gained a bit more than I expected! Throttle response was improved and it's waaaay smoother off the line up to about 30 MPH, it seemed to lug a bit at low RPM's and that's totally gone now. I noticed the biggest difference from 3500-5000, it's much more fun to cruise at 40-50 in 3rd now, the power comes in much smoother. 5-6K revs freer too, but the only time I really ring it out anyway is towing
A hotter coil and air tube are my next steps. I can't wait to see what she's like then