hey guys im back. sorry ive been gone for so long but life got away from me and i just havent had time for jeeps lately. got layed off several times and had to struggle a little working multiple jobs to compensate my lost salary. we made it through and im back to working diesel again for the state of md transportation department.
on to the jeep then, perf 4banger lives and fired right up the other day after most of a year sitting. battery had to be charged obviously but she fired up with a little help. had to replace the axle adapters on the 8.8 after a monster truck like move out of a hole and over a dead tree at Rausche Creek. took it out for a shake down run and right front brake locked up. thought the line was the cause sinceit would stick and the caliper would release upon bleeder open. thought this was odd so took the hardline loose and got flow. then took harline off prop valve and got flow. took mc off prop and almost now return flow at all. strange for a prop valve to randomly after sitting but ill be going for one from the yard this morning and see how it goes.
curious if anyone else has had a prop valve get stuck on them as ive been a mechanic for over ten years and have rarely replaced any.