My 'other' car is a '96 Tbird with the 4.6L modular engine. It is fully OBD-II, and I've made a 'few' changes including the t-stat. You are correct about the computer doing what it can to get the engine up to temp. When I installed the 180* t-stat, I also re-flashed the computer with a new program that told it to accept the lower operating temp, and by doing so was able to adjust the spark curve for more power. Of course I do have to run 92+ octane in her, but hey....
I don't see why the same couldn't be done for a 4banger, but from what I've read, these engines like to run nice-n-hot to keep emmisions down, and efficiency up.
Reprogramming an ECU requires changing several parameters, all of which inter-relate in some way, which means either a lot of trial and error(hopefully with a dyno) or a sound knowledge of the engine systems.
If you try anything, keep us posted. I, for one, am definitely interested.
Peter M