Well heap i actually read your post and got to thinking
(watch out) ... theres no EGR system, and i just replaced the ONLY O2 sensor on the thing, and replaced the cat converter.... so really the only options i had left were the plugs/ignition system..... and someone posted earlier about a low output fuel pump or something... so i replaced the fuel filter, ran the thing out of gas and put a couple gallons of 93 octane in it and like 3 bottles of 104 octane booster
and it pass with really good numbers ( surprisingly )
25/25 Test
Nox ppm - My reading old reading - 1400 ; New reading - 896 : Allowed - 1163
50/15 Test
Nox ppm - My old reading - 1540 : New reading - 1080 : Allowed - 1273