No TJ harness, only YJ... EVERYTHING electronic/controlling will be from a 93 YJ. Essentially, the ONLY TJ parts would be the fuel pump, fuel rail, and injectors.
I would understand a piggyback controller if I was doing some kind of forced induction, but with just the little higher air flow (from the larger TB) I'll be getting, shouldn't I only have to install a potentiometer or "adjustable MAP" between the MAP and ECU? Widebands aren't cheap, but again, I've only seen their applications on high flowing/forced induction rigs.
If I get the right amount of resistance on the MAP, I don't think I'll have to fool the ECU any further, like using a WB O2.
In no way do I want to wing this, I'm glad you are making me think more about it too, but if it comes down to it; I'll just DO IT and have a backup in place in case it doesn't work out as well as I'd like.
The harder it is, the more fun it will be, and the better I'll feel when I'm done with it. I'm not past the PNR yet, but I kind of had to jump in and start or I'd never actually get to it.
I could probably go on forever with the details (not even exact ones yet, haven't quite gotten there) of this plan, so I'll ask you one question; do you think I'm crazy for making it this more complicated than normal?
Oh yeah, and I have an XJ... haha, It'll deliver gas like a TJ, think it's a YJ, but BE an XJ... sounds just unique enough for me!