Well I did mine this week, turned out good, I wish I had a little more than a gallon, but over all its not to bad.
If I had to do it over again, I would take 1-2 afternoons pulling every thing out of the Jeep, 1afternoon to clean/tape the tub, 1 FULL day to be able to apply 2 light coats on, and the 3rd coat use what ever you have left. then one more afternoon putting every thing back together.... I let mine sit for 24 hours to fully dry... I felt it was better safe than sorry.
That would have been ideal for me and my family, and my Jeep. but I rushed it and it got a little sloppy some places and a little light on others, but over all I cant complain. My tip to any one doing it, take your time when your painting it on, it takes a lot longer than I had thought it would and I was up tell midnight doing it.... and had to get up at 4:30 am the next day for work... not a good idea.
here are some of my pics.