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I used the distributor from the 97. If you look at the dizzy from the 97 and from the 93 side by side the rotation of the oil pump stub is different from each other in conjunction with the rotor. How do you set it correctly? Sorry I am used to working on older carburated V-8s.
Ok so how should I go about setting this up properly? Right now it is running pretty good but I would like to set it up the right way.
[...](5) Remove the cylinder number 1 spark plug.(6) Hold a finger over the open spark plug hole.Rotate the engine at the vibration dampener bolt untilcompression (pressure) is felt.Slowly continue to rotate the engine. Do this untilthe timing index mark on the vibration damper pulleyaligns with the top dead center (TDC) mark (0degree) on timing degree scale (Fig. 9). Always rotatethe engine in direction of normal rotation. Do not rotatethe engine backward to align the timing marks.[...]INSTALLATION(1) If the engine crankshaft has been rotated afterdistributor removal, cylinder number 1 must be returnedto its proper firing stroke. Refer to the previousREMOVAL steps number 5 and 6. These stepsmust be done before installing distributor.(2) Check the position of the slot on the oil pumpgear. On the 2.5L engine, it should be just slightlybefore (counterclockwise of) the 10 o’clock position(Fig. 10). On the 4.0L engine, it should be justslightly before (counterclockwise of) the 11 o’clock position(Fig. 11). If not, place a flat blade screwdriverinto the oil pump gear and rotate it into the properposition.(3) Factory replacement distributors are equippedwith a plastic alignment pin already installed (Fig.7). This pin is used to temporarily hold the rotor tothe cylinder number 1 firing position during distributorinstallation. If this pin is in place, proceed tostep number 8. If not, proceed to step number 4.(4) If the original distributor is to be reinstalled,such as during engine overhaul, the plastic pin willnot be available. A 3/16 inch drift pin punch tool maybe substituted for the plastic pin.(5) Remove the camshaft position sensor from thedistributor housing. Lift straight up.(6) Four different alignment holes are provided onthe plastic ring (Fig. 12). Note that 2.5L and 4.0Lengines have different alignment holes (Fig.12).(7) Rotate the distributor shaft and install the pinpunch tool through the proper alignment hole in theplastic ring (Fig. 12) and into the mating access holein the distributor housing. This will prevent the distributorshaft and rotor from rotating.( 8 ) Clean the distributor mounting hole area of theengine block.( 9 ) Install a new distributor-to-engine block gasket(Fig. 8 ).(10) Install the rotor to the distributor shaft.(11) 2.5L 4-Cylinder Engine: Pre-position the distributorinto the engine while holding the centerlineof the base slot in the 1 o’clock position (Fig. 13).Continue to engage the distributor into the engine.The rotor and distributor will rotate clockwise duringinstallation. This is due to the helical cut gears onthe distributor and camshaft. When the distributor isfully seated to the engine block, the centerline of thebase slot should be aligned to the clamp bolt mountinghole on the engine (Fig. 14). The rotor shouldalso be pointed slightly past (clockwise of) the 3o’clock position.The distributor is correctly installed when:˛ the rotor is pointed at the 3 o’clock position (2.5Lengine), or at the 5 o’clock position (4.0L engine).˛ the plastic alignment pin (or pin punch tool) is stillinstalled to distributor.˛ the number 1 cylinder piston is set at top deadcenter (TDC) (compression stroke).˛ the centerline of the slot at the base of the distributoris aligned to the centerline of the distributorholddown bolt hole on the engine. In this position,the holddown bolt should easily pass through the slotand into the engine.No adjustments are necessary. Proceed to nextstep.(12) Install the distributor holddown clamp andbolt. Tighten the bolt to 23 Nzm (17 ft. lbs.) torque.(13) Remove the pin punch tool from the distributor.Or, if the plastic alignment pin was used, removeit straight down from the bottom of the distributor.Discard plastic pin.(14) If removed, install the camshaft position sensorto the distributor. Align the wiring harness grommetto the notch in the distributor housing.(15) Install the rotor.CAUTION: If the distributor cap is incorrectly positionedon distributor housing, the cap or rotor maybe damaged when engine is started.(16) Install the distributor cap. Tighten distributorcap holddown screws to 3 Nzm (26 in. lbs.) torque.(17) If removed, install the spark plug cables tothe distributor cap. For proper firing order, refer tothe Specifications section at the end of this group.See Engine Firing Order.(18) Connect the distributor wiring harness to themain engine harness.(19) Connect battery cable to battery.