Yup, there was a dent in the bottom of the starter so I opened her up and three of the magnets fell out in a hundred pieces. Hope they don't mind getting the core back disassembled. I have to thank my wonderful wife and a great friend of mine for the long drive and delivery of the new one.
Oh I wish a had a manual trans....
So I talked to a guy on the other forum I'm on. Listen up automatic owners. There is a vent on the top of the trans, when you get too deep in water it coveniently sucks in water. The clutch plates act like sponges and soak it up. You then have your choice of 1st or rev and nothing else. I was told to get it to the nearest place with a power flusher and have it done ASAP, then drop the pan, change the filter and clean the mud off the bottom of the pan. If it works I'll be back at the Cliffs in two weeks, if not.....
I may just have a manual trans....