Yes, 97 2.5 TJ. Yes, over 18 volts to the battery and essentially the ECM. Ok, so what can I do about this? My ECM is part number 56041-305AD. Will a 305AC work? What's the specifics? Does anyone rebuild? Does it have to go to dealer before it will run if i swap it? Nothing else is a problem that i am aware of, so really? ECM Bad? Once i noticed overcahrgin i shut it down, adn it was intermittent at first, now jsut straight overcharging! WEll, if ECM fried, is that what caused it, or jsut a result? Coudl the alternator be bad and overproducing, or jsut eCM that regulates? Thanks guys, this is bugging ther crap out of me, and I really need my Green Machine back on the Snow and ROAD