I have a YJ 1990 with a big malfunction in the charging system. Problem is that the alternator is not charging the batt. I have replaced the Alternator, the battery, the starter relay. I have 12V coming form the Ignition to the Atl. also have the constant 12V going in in the #2 terminal. The output of the ALT reads the same as the Voltage of the Batt. After I start the Jeep the Batt. drops in voltage steady, with the new batt. and the old. I removed the alternator from the car and had it tested and everything check out fine. check every circuit from the jeep to the point of removing every fuse from the car minus the ing. and the fuel pump/ t.b. injector. I tried the light test from the negative pole of the batt. the ground in the engine block and it seems like the is no drain in the system. The only thing that I have done so far that I am not sure about is the 12V (Grey cable) that comes on when the ignition swith is turns on that is attatch to #1 in the alternator goes to ground with Ohm 0.20 if the switch is off. If any body have any suggestion please let me know because I reach my limit. next thing will be to solve the problem with 50cents of fuel and a match.