From your reply Felipe adjust your rear brakes first, to do this correctly you tighten them till the brakes lock then back them off till it spins again with a very light drag or just no drag on the wheel. It is not always easy to push the brake adjuster out of the way when trying to back the adjuster off. So you might be better off to just tighten the brake adjuster with the wheel on till you feel a very slight drag on the wheel when truning it. Then step on the brake pedal and check again this should bring the brake pedal up where it belongs. If it doesn't you will have to bleed the brakes, the easy poor man's way of doing this is take a bottle of some sort fill it part way with brakefluid hang a piece of vacuum hose in it (that fits tight on the bleeder nipple of thge wheel cylinder) stick the other end on the bleeder fitting open the fitting pump the brake pedal3-6 times, check the fluid level in the master cylinder. close the bleeder check the pedal and repeat if necesary. You can do this at all four wheelsalso if you want to go to the synthetic brake fluid this is how you can acomplish changing out the fluid