So I almost got myself a JK, I was still planning on keeping the 4banger but would love the 4 doors when I drag m nieces around which is every weekend. Almost, but couldn't really justify the unecessary expense.
As much as I'd like a JK Unlimited, I don't see myself getting one. I like the nimbleness of my YJ. It's big but it handles pretty good. I can do a U-Turn within 3 lanes. I hate running out of room with a longer truck then having to back up while I'm blocking traffic. Parts are obviously going to cost more as well. It has a larger then but it's also heavier. A lot heavier in the case of the Rubicon Unlimited.
Although you could sell your Jeep fairly easily. For those of us who have years and years of mods, a trade-in isn't an option so finding that 'right' person can take a while. Then there's the attachment we get. I couldn't sell my Jeep even if I wanted to at this point. Kinda sucks being locked into it but I'd lose out big if I sold it.