Some of the things ive been looking into as projects on my 4banger and would love to hear your thoughts on ..
axle over vs, spring under lifts..... is the cost worth it or the work for that matter? seems to me by the time you add up the tools and extras(drive shafts,angle meters, steering comps etc..) the soa is alot of work for someone who can get good performance out of a bolt on kit.. not to knock the soa, it seems if you want extreme articulation that is the way to go. but for a DD?..
And if per chance . one was to go with the Soa ive found little about the pinion angle set up for the front and the rear..and spring height ,are the soa's being done with stock or lifted springs .
the evil thought of going to the 4.0 has also popped into my head a few times enough that i have been serching for old cherokees to harvest from .i know that the whole line back to the transfer would have to be swaped and drive shafts changed.. but have only found 1 write up on this subject
lets see.. how about the cost of doing the tera low 4:1 kit and a sye for the 231 to just buying an atlas .......... $1500 to get parts for the 231 or $2000 for the atlas
axle swaps are yet another subject .. seems these people are getting the axles and cutting them down to stock width .. wich is alot of work in it'self .. get the alinement angle wrong and out comes the axle again .. whats wrong with keeping the axle wide.. seems like you would get more stability and a cool fat look
ill stop now before i get flamed up too bad for ranting on but these are just a few things floating around in my head
thanks again for the info it has been good stuff