Can you take a similar pic of the front axle, showing the relationship between the pinion and driveshaft?
Sorry, posted the wrong one; I took it already, so here it is...

Now, I know it looks wrong with the pinion pointed up like that, but if you look at the TC, the angle is the same (hard to see here, but I checked):

And here you can clearly see the angle (seems to be about the same 5* I have of difference in the front axle) of the TC vs the frame:

Now, the RE did come with the TC drop kit, but since I got the CV Shaft, I never installed it. Maybe I can use the same spacers to push the TC up? There is enough space on top... I checked today the motor mounts, and there does not seem to be any lift (I looked at night, but would have to measure the mounts to be 100% sure), but the engine itself seems to be tilted as well... And the rubber on the driver side looks pretty shot.
Your rear pinion is too high, it should be below the driveshaft about the same amount that it's currently above it. It will then rotate up to parallel under acceleration. I'd bet this accounts for some high speed vibration.
Should also be fixed if I tilt the TC, right? I mean, in that case, the rear yoke would be pushed up and the front down, right?