I just installed a set of steps on my 97, I got the "frame inserts" off e-bay. I believe you will need 14 of the inserts for your 2000. I paid like $ 16.00 for them with s/h. They are easy to install. The directions that come with them will drive ya nuts. All i did was tap the inserts into the frame holes with a small ballpeen hammer. Then i put the brackets up and put some anti sieze on the bolts and start them. I then hit the bolts with an impact to get the inserts to expand a little bit then cranked them down with a ratchet. The bolts you will need are 5/16X 1" course thread. You could use up to 2" easy. If you use 1 1/4 you can use lock washers on them also. The wife loves the steps as I have a 4" lift with 33"s on it. A lot easier to get into it. If you go to e-bay just type in Jeep frame inserts. Good luck with it.