Author Topic: Cost of making a key for a yj tailgate  (Read 1215 times)

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Cost of making a key for a yj tailgate
« on: June 18, 2007, 07:31:59 AM »
If I bought a used tailgate with a lock that won't work with my ignition key, how much do you think it would run for a locksmith to make a key for this tailgate? I don't have any exprience with this, but I was under the impression that making a key (not copying an existing key) would run about $120 or so.   

Offline Jeffy

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Re: Cost of making a key for a yj tailgate
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2007, 12:26:02 PM »
If I bought a used tailgate with a lock that won't work with my ignition key, how much do you think it would run for a locksmith to make a key for this tailgate? I don't have any exprience with this, but I was under the impression that making a key (not copying an existing key) would run about $120 or so.   

Why would you want a key to an old tailgage unless 1) you like caring two keys or 2) you want access to someone else's Jeep.  Why don't you take your existing lock out of the old tailgage and put it in the new one? = FREE.

Or if you're adventurous, take the new cylinder out and take it apart. Once it's apart you can look at the pins and move them around or modify them to work with your old key.  The other option is to take the cylinder and have a locksmith do it.  I doubt it would cost more then $20-50. Although prices could have increased but I doubt it.  You can buy a new cylinder for less then $50.

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Re: Cost of making a key for a yj tailgate
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 01:08:53 PM »
If I bought a used tailgate with a lock that won't work with my ignition key, how much do you think it would run for a locksmith to make a key for this tailgate? I don't have any exprience with this, but I was under the impression that making a key (not copying an existing key) would run about $120 or so.   

Why would you want a key to an old tailgage unless 1) you like caring two keys or 2) you want access to someone else's Jeep.  Why don't you take your existing lock out of the old tailgage and put it in the new one? = FREE.

Or if you're adventurous, take the new cylinder out and take it apart. Once it's apart you can look at the pins and move them around or modify them to work with your old key.  The other option is to take the cylinder and have a locksmith do it.  I doubt it would cost more then $20-50. Although prices could have increased but I doubt it.  You can buy a new cylinder for less then $50.

I have considered the angles with the tailgate key, cylinder change etc.  The advantage of having a tailgate with a seperate key occurs when you get in to the inevitable "valet" or "leave-your-valet-key-in-the-ignition" situation in LA.  I have the instatrunk, and a trunk key different from the ignition key means that I can stow items of value to me in the back and not sweat the long-shot chance that some gangster/valet is making key copies. 

Frankly, if I was a dirt-wage + dollar-tip valet, I'd be looking to get a little "entrepreneurial," if you know what I mean. Thanks for the insight on pricing at least.


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Re: Cost of making a key for a yj tailgate
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2007, 01:22:46 AM »
Was bidding on this ebay auction for a 15 year old Jeep black YJ tailgate with key for the lock, no hinges included.  Winning bidder ended up paying $365.00, shipping included!!  Guy could have bought two, brand-new, YJ-compatible tailgates from Quadratec for that price; spray them up, swap his current lock.  You think he overpayed a bit? 

Offline chardrc

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Re: Cost of making a key for a yj tailgate
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2007, 02:14:06 PM »
originally is the key for the tailgate soposed to be the same as the ignition or the doors on a yj? i just installed a best top institruck to find that my look isn't working with my keys / it needs to be lubed up. 
1990 YJ 4cly, ax5, 2.5 inch BDS lift, 31 MTr\'s,  Powertrax-lockers all around, track-bars removed, boomerang shackles, warn m8000 winch, electric fan. [sold but not forgotten]

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Re: Cost of making a key for a yj tailgate
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2007, 02:40:43 PM »
originally is the key for the tailgate soposed to be the same as the ignition or the doors on a yj? i just installed a best top institruck to find that my look isn't working with my keys / it needs to be lubed up. 

The igntion key works for everything on mine.

Offline chardrc

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Re: Cost of making a key for a yj tailgate
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2007, 07:02:10 AM »
ok. my i got it used with half doors and a soft top and the half doors have a different key. so i guess ill go forward with the ignition key now that i have let penetrating fluid work on the look for a day now... o and sorry for high jacking the thread.  :wall:
1990 YJ 4cly, ax5, 2.5 inch BDS lift, 31 MTr\'s,  Powertrax-lockers all around, track-bars removed, boomerang shackles, warn m8000 winch, electric fan. [sold but not forgotten]

2007 jk Rubicon 2dr


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Re: Cost of making a key for a yj tailgate
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2007, 06:35:04 AM »
I ended up finalizing this a couple of weeks ago.  Picked up a black YJ tailgate in decent condition for $120 including shipping.  Then had a key made for it for $38 at a local locksmith. 

Have seen auctions with people bidding over $300 for jeep tailgates that included an original key!  :eek: But maybe thats worth the money if you don't feel like making a couple of trips to a locksmith, carrying a tailgate around, etc.