So last Tuesday my alternator took a sh!t on me. So being the cheap thinker I am, I figured I could snatch the one off my old motor and be good to go. It was only like 1.5-2 years old when I pulled the engine. Put it in, bam my volt meter is reading 14. So Saturday night this one acts up... I pull it out Sunday morning, run it to Kragen to have it tested, and it tested OK. Maybe when I dropped it while walking with it to my neighbors house to borrow his car, it knocked the brushes or w/e loose?
But it tested OK. Everything was fine when I put it back in...
So today it was reading 12 volts again, now it shows nada. I checked the connections, checked the fuse in the main fuse box, etc but all seems well. Is it possible that this alternator went bad while sitting? I've pulled this one and I'm going to take the two into Kragen and have them tested, if they end up failing I'm just going to upgrade to a higher amp unit... But in the mean time, is there anything I could be overlooking??? Every wire has been checked and checked and then checked once more, but I can't see anything wrong
I want this outta my hair... I seeeeeriously don't want to chase a %^*&ing electrical problem down...