The distributer can be installed one tooth off; I know 'cause I did it! In my case, it ran; just didn't run well. I'd pull the dist. and re-install it following the procedures in Haynes/Chiltons.
your right.. i was wrong in my first post
.... wasn't feeling great yesterday (but my quote from the fsm is right).. anyways incase you don't have the Haynes manual here is the abbreviated procedure.
"a. make sure #1 cyl is at TDC
b. Put a screwdriver into the the oil pump gear slot and rotate it so the gear slot is slightly past the three o'clock position.
c. install the distributor with the rotor to the five o/clock position
d. with the distributor fully engaged in its correct location, the rotor should be pointing to the six o'clock position. "
Jeffy where you talking about all the fsm pdfs? i think i have all the section relating to the 2.5l tbi but may be missing a few (just downloaded form a website i had found.) I'll have to figure out how to combine the pdfs if you want 1 file... or I could just give a link to the site if you just want to add a link to the list like the other fsms where.