So, its been a couple of months since I posted on the Future Floor Wax. And, I have since drawn a few conclusions about the stuff. First off, I live in Los Angeles where the smog and pollution, etc is the worst of any city in this country (but apparently is gradually improving), so the average car may be exposed to more than the average amount of environmental fall-out.
Anyway, did the Future wax on the Jeep in February and it looked like a million bucks, people coming up and going, "damn, did you get it painted, looks great!" So, I was really positive on the stuff. Only trick is that strange white spots began to appear on the hood after about a month or so; the best I could tell it was the floor wax reacting to something in the air or in a liquid it had been exposed to (Like I said, LA so it could have been frigging anything causing it).
I did also use this Future floor wax on the tires, flares and other rubber surfaces and it definitely gave a great shine that lasted about 10 times longer than armor all; no problem with spots there either, probably because those surfaces didn't receive any exposure to the whatever hit the hood.
I didn't have any trouble removing the floor wax from the paint during a recent polish job and it doesn't appear to harm the paint. So you may want to give it a go if you live in clearer, cleaner environs.
Anyway, in sum, I'll probably keep using the Future on the dark, rubber surfaces and, instead use (the frigging expensive) Liquid Glass for the paint (Liquid Glass is Acrylic-based like Future Floor Wax, but its designed for use on cars and gets rave reviews, so hopefully its been engineered to handle environmental fallout.