Ok, those of you guys that ACTUALLY READ my post on the MAP sensor adjuster I built, I feel sorry for you . You’re probably tired of hearing from me by now, but I have another project I'm currently scouring the web for information on. I'm proposing a DIY module that intercepts the ECM's electronic timing signal that is sent to the distributors ignition module and modifies it in such a way as to affect a set timing advance (or retard) of a set degree over the entire RPM range. This would basically give you the same effect as physically turning your distributor a set number of degrees advanced (or retarded) for what ever reason you can come up with from the comfort of your driver's seat. It would make timing advances to take advantage of higher octane fuel a cinch! The module I wish to build will have the same presets option as my MAP sensor adjustor module I made. So you can pick the number of degree's advance you would like to add for two situations, and with the flip of a switch you could go between the two of them, or go back to stock with the flick of another switch just as easily!
Do you guys like this idea? Let me know. If I get a lot of response, I'll really push the research of this thing and make a well-documented DIY package for anyone who wants info on it. Again, I might also do a first come first serve, limited production of a few of these babies when I get one working the way I want it to. We'll see if I can find enough information on what needs to be done to make one though, right now this is just theory and speculation. If any of you have already stumbled on some information on how to make something like this, PLEASE PASS IT ON! I would gladly review, modify, produce a prototype, test it, and pass on all my findings in an easy to read user friendly format for you guys to use.
*Side Note: This would probably warrant a thermostat change for a cooler thermostat if you want to crank on the timing advance a lot for the same reasons that JET Performance asks you to use a cooler t-stat with their modules.