It has 4.10s with 235/75-15s which are 28.5 and it sucks bad, it works best in fourth gear fifth not so much, to get it back to stock with those tires it would take 4.56s I'm really leaning toward the 4.88s with 31s just not sure.
in 5th
4.10 and 235/75x15 / 4.56 and 31 / 4.88 and 31
55mph - 2250 rpm / 2300 rpm / 2450 rpm
60mph - 2450 rpm / 2500 rpm / 2700 rpm
65mph - 2650 rpm / 2750 rpm / 2900 rpm
70mph - 2850 rpm / 2950 rpm / 3150 rpm
75mph - 3050 rpm / 3150 rpm / 3400 rpm
like i said, you'll just get to use 5th more, not much difference with what you had before if you go 4.56 and 31 (100 rpm, so almost the same) and you already got that experience