Care to elaborate? They're the same design, size is what matters...
sorry for the late reply, i missed this post
they're not the same design, look at where the o-rings are located between the 2, both outer and inner o-rings are further down and located in a groove on the VW one, the Jeep/Chrysler does not have the grooves and the o-ring is pressed against a shoulder inside the fuel rail and against the teflon rings that are fitted on the FPR in the Jeep one below, if you take your FPR out and look inside the rail you'll understand what i mean and why is not working, it just can't fit in there even if the o-rings on the VW are the same dimension. There is no way it will fit, dimensions are also different (I'm talking about the part that goes inside the fuel rail, the rest doesn't matter).

Will the retaining bracket clear the vacuum nipple on the side? If it works I'd like to know. I'd try one myself. I have the feeling sharpxmen has seen enough of these to know by looking at it though.
sorry but it won't work even if you can fit the bracket on. Maybe modified on a lathe but it's a long shot and what's the point in that case, you can just make an adjustable one if you have access to that.